Feeding 7/17/09 Photo Property Green Dog Pet Supply

you can see their closed eyes and tiny yellow beak. Photo Property Green Dog Pet Supply

Feeding the always hungry babies. Photo Property Green Dog Pet Supply

Mom takes a rest. Photo Property Green Dog Pet Supply
Do you have any information on how to heal a dog with heart worms? We adopted a dog that is infected with heart worms and I do not want her to suffer but we are not finically able to put her through the treatment our vet told us about. We were also told that she may not survive the treatment. So, I am in search of a treatment we are able to administer and will not kill her.
Thank you!
If she was from a shelter or rescue, they may be able to help you treat her. Try this link – she mentions a less expensive alternative I believe. http://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2011/11/22/cheaper-safer-therapy-for-heartworm.aspx
How about a go fund me campaign to help?
Good luck!